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利众新材料有限公司的创立之初是为了面向全世界的胶粘利用户,提供最合适的胶黏利解决方案。公司凭借在胶蓄剂行业十多年的经验积累,专注于聚氨密封胶及其产品的研发,生产与销售。长期致力于汽车、建筑、工业等行业的应用解决方案,我们会从实际出发,根据客户的真实需求提供相应的产品,并且可以提供CEM/ODM服务。 以质量为要,专业共赢为经营理念,在全球市场开拓中取得了显著成绩,正以强动的势头向全球值得信赖的密封胶企业不断迈进。

Lizhong New Materials Co, Ltd. was founded to provide the most suitable adhesive solution for adhesive usersaround the world. With more than ten years of experence in the adhesive industry, the company focuses on thedevelopment, production and sales of polyurethane sealants and their products, Long-term commitment to auto-motive, construction, industrial and other industries applic real needs of customers to provide the correspondingproducts, and can provide OEMI ODM services. With quality 2s the mainstay and professional win-win as thebusiness philosophy, we have made remarkable achievements in the global market development, and we areconstantly moving towards the global trusted sealant enterprise with strong momentum.